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Is there a meditation that is not brought about by thought?

Is there a meditation that is not brought about by thought?

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Public Talk 4 Bombay (Mumbai), India
Φεβρουάριος 10, 1985

Are we wasting our life?

Why has the brain separated living and death?

The self, the 'me', the ego, the persona, is a bundle of complicated ancient and modern memories.

Is there a holistic way of living in which there is living and dying all the time taking place?

Love is not put together by thought, therefore it is not within the structure of the brain.

The brain is an instrument of sensation and nervous responses, and love cannot exist where there is mere sensation.

Memory is not love.

What is religion? Is there something beyond all time and thought?

Is there a meditation that is not put together by desire, will or effort?

When you listen to sound, the very listening is the silence. Silence and sound are not separate.

That benediction is where you are.