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Look at the psychological map of man right through the world.

Look at the psychological map of man right through the world.

From Small Group Discussion 6 in Saanen, 4 August 1963

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Look at the psychological map of man right through the world. He has never been free of sorrow. On the contrary, in the West they have worshipped sorrow and all the ugliness that goes with it. In the East, they have explained it away by karma: what you have done in the past, you pay for, and so on. But they have never resolved it. They also have never understood the question of love, and they have never grappled with the problem of death. They have found excuses, beliefs and escapes. They have not taken hold of it and said, ‘Let us understand it, look at it, go into it.’ Nor have they understood this enormous thing called conflict, both inward and outward, and we are perpetuating that. When you look at that map, which is yourself, expanded throughout the world, you understand this weight of man’s conflict, misery, confusion, sorrow, love and pleasure. And you have to act, do something, not just say, ‘I’ll examine my motive; I’ll examine...’ – we have finished with all that. We have no time because if you allow time, deterioration takes place. You see this thing, and you have to act. You have no time to argue, discuss, think about it. It is like a tremendous river that’s moving, and you have to keep up with it and go beyond it.

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