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Identification with something perpetuates the ‘me’. I identify myself with my furniture – it is very old, fourteenth century;

Identification with something perpetuates the ‘me’. I identify myself with my furniture – it is very old, fourteenth century;

From Public Discussion 2, Sydney, 19 November 1970

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Identification with something perpetuates the ‘me’. I identify myself with my furniture – it is very old, fourteenth century; I love it, I keep it very carefully, polish it, look after it. I value it. So the furniture has become much more important than the ‘me’. Through identification with that furniture, it becomes important, not the ‘me’ that identifies itself. I identify myself with my country, my nationality, my God. The country, nationality or God becomes all-important and I never inquire why this identification takes place. Why do I want to identify?

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