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The content of ‘me’ is your content also, it is not so very different. It is s...

The content of ‘me’ is your content also, it is not so very different. It is s...

from Dialogue 14 with Allan W. Anderson in San Diego, California, 26 February 1974

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The content of ‘me’ is your content also, it is not so very different. It is slightly modified, slightly exaggerated, given certain tendencies which depend on your conditioning, on environment and so on, but it is essentially the same consciousness. Unless a human being empties that consciousness, that consciousness goes on like a river – collecting, accumulating all that is going on. And out of that river comes the expression or the manifestation of the one that is dead. When the mediums and seances say that your brother, your uncle or wife is here, what has happened is they have manifested themselves out of that stream which is the continuous consciousness of struggle, pain, unhappiness, misery, all that. And one who has observed and looked at consciousness, and empties it, doesn’t belong to that stream at all. Then one is living each moment anew because one is dying each moment. There is no accumulation of the ‘me’ which has to be expressed. One is dying every minute; living every minute and dying every minute. Therefore in that there is – what shall I say? – there is no content; it is a tremendous energy in action.

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