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Pepper Tree Retreat & Pine Cottage

Pepper Tree Retreat & Pine Cottage

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The Pepper Tree Retreat is the former home of Krishnamurti, who lived here from 1922 to 1986, welcoming visitors from around the world who were challenged by his penetrating inquiries into the fundamental questions of life. These included such 20th Century luminaries as Annie Besant, Aldous Huxley, John Barrymore, Greta Garbo, David Bohm, Dr Jonas Salk, D.H. Lawrence, Jackson Pollock and Igor Stravinsky. Now the Pepper Tree Retreat offers bed & breakfast in quiet and simple surroundings in the lovely east end Valley of Ojai, California.

Pine Cottage sits in the same grounds as the Pepper Tree Retreat and is kept for the teachings of Krishnamurti. This wonderful building has a special feeling of quiet as it is where Krishnamurti held many dialogues while he was in Ojai.

Pine Cottage houses a Visitors’ Centre, the Krishnamurti Educational Centre, Library and Archives, plus a small conference facility. The Education Centre hosts Dialogue Weekends, Dialogue Programmes, Introductory Programmes, a Summer Teaching Academy, speaker panels, and other events throughout the year.

Krishnamurti lived in Pine Cottage and it was home to Mary Zimbalist until she passed away. Apart from the Visitors’ Centre and the Library, there is a quiet area where Krishnamurti used to live, in accordance with his wishes.

For more information please visit:

Pepper Tree Retreat

Pine Cottage


Contact information

Pepper Tree Retreat
1130 McAndrew Road (P.O. Box 1560)
93024 Ojai , CA
United States
Telefoonnummer: 877.355.5986
California US

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